Monday, May 18, 2020

Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavior Therapy...

Review of Journal Article â€Å"Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavior Therapy† Review of Journal Article â€Å"Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavior Therapy† Summary This article talks about Cognitive-Behavior therapy and using prayer and scripture appropriately, how to approach using biblical/ Christian values in therapy. The journal also talks about an historical overview of behavioral therapy, throughout the years. The commentary discusses the two component of mindfulness, in which the first component engages self-guidance concentration and the second component engages implementing a meticulous direction that is distinguish by interest. He discusses the eight main features of the Christian approach to†¦show more content†¦I started reading with the expectation of learning how to use prayer and scripture in therapy. By reading this article I learned of the historical overview of how prayer and scripture became a part of therapy. I also learned of the ethical and proper uses of prayer and scripture during â€Å"CBT† and also had a chance to read the illustration of different therapy sessions using different Christian approa ches. It was very pleasing to see the key features of biblical approaches used in Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. I learned of the difference between Implicit and Explicit integration in therapy and it was used. Learning of how to conduct a pre-intervention assessment to establish the method of whether to use Standard or Christian CBT was very helpful. I discovered about the seven steps to inner healing prayer and how it might not be a good idea to use these methods on a more psychotic client. I would definitely want to research the use of scripture and prayer a little more and how effective it is in treating clients. I am glad to see that it actually help the client in the article and also how he showed his method of doing so with Christian CBT. It is so exciting to see that Biblical or Christian values can help heal a client. I would absolutely love working in a Christian Counseling setting where I would be able to share and teach a client about the Lord and still help them get throug h whatever crisis they might have. References Siang-Yang, T. (1996). Religion inShow MoreRelatedUse of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy989 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Liberty University Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive Behavior-Therapy Summary Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavior Therapy can be found in the Journal of Psychology and Christianity. The author, Stan Yang-Tan, covers the apposite use of applying prayer and scripture to the 30-year-old process of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) (p.101). 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